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Turso & Astro

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Turso is a distributed database built on libSQL, a fork of SQLite. It is optimized for low query latency, making it suitable for global applications.

  • The Turso CLI installed and signed in
  • A Turso Database with schema
  • Your Database URL
  • An Access Token

Configure environment variables

Section titled Configure environment variables

Obtain your database URL using the following command:

Terminal window
turso db show <database-name> --url

Create an auth token for the database:

Terminal window
turso db tokens create <database-name>

Add the output from both commands above into your .env file at the root of your project. If this file does not exist, create one.


Install the @libsql/client to connect Turso to Astro:

Terminal window
npm install @libsql/client

Create a file turso.ts in the src folder and invoke createClient, passing it TURSO_DATABASE_URL and TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN:

import { createClient } from "@libsql/client/web";
export const turso = createClient({
url: import.meta.env.TURSO_DATABASE_URL,
authToken: import.meta.env.TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN,

To access information from your database, import turso and execute a SQL query inside any .astro component.

The following example fetches all posts from your table, then displays a list of titles in a <BlogIndex /> component:

import {turso} from '../../turso'
const {rows} = await turso.execute('SELECT * FROM posts')
{ => (

The execute() method can take an object to pass variables to the SQL statement, such as slug, or pagination.

The following example fetches a single entry from the posts table WHERE the slug is the retrieved value from Astro.params, then displays the title of the post.

import {turso} from '../../turso'
const {slug} = Astro.params
const {rows} = await turso.execute({
sql: 'SELECT * FROM posts WHERE slug = ?',
args: [slug!]

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